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The Book: Text


(I still can't believe it)
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I’m a Christian, someone who has transferred trust of her life to Jesus. A woman of faith. And it’s hard to hold my faith and my anxiety-depression in tension. My hold for a few years has been fragile. 

No one wants to be fragile. 

And yet, I’m learning that, maybe, fragility is not something to be despised, avoided, or hidden but treasured, embraced and put on display.
Some days, I have bold faith that embraces this fragility. 

But there are also days when I’m just weary and I can no longer outrun the anxiety and depression. My chest always hurts and I’m constantly on edge trying not to think; when despair has caught up with me and everything seems meaningless and I genuinely don’t want to live anymore. I have gone to countries where being a Christian is not just rare but unsafe, and yet I haven’t feared death there. The death I fear is by my own hand. 

Jesus loving me has made all the difference. 

So what does this mean for you? Know that Jesus loving you makes a difference and I invite you into knowing how He does by sharing my story with you.

The Book: About
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